Thursday, July 25, 2024

Session XV: We don’t give a ship!

Opening crawl

Thanks to the expert fighting skills of the frankendroid Golden Wheels, Cecil Organa won enough money to stave off foreclosure of Asteroid 7785  by his business partner Jabba the Hutt, and pay off the remainder of his debt. 

But with his fleet of luxury cruise ships stolen by Trandoshan bandits, he has no means to return his guests to the nearest starbase, and new guests have no means of traveling to the resort asteroid.

Jabba’s majordomo Bib Fortuna has the only ship in the hangar capable of transporting large numbers of people to and from the asteroid, and he and Cecil are locked in negotiations…

Most of this session takes place aboard "the nearest starbase." Since that location is generic, here's a generic photo of a starbase. 

Cecil boarded the Silverlight with a slightly miffed scowl on his face.

Cecil: Okay, so I’ve secured passage for the guests to the nearest starbase, and Bib is supposed to bring the next group of tourists in. I don’t really trust that guy, so I think it would be wise if some of you sneak aboard the ship posing as tourists and make sure he lives up to his side of the bargain.  Also.. some of you will need to stay behind for the time being, as the old Alderaan royal guards aren’t scheduled to arrive until later this week.. And someone needs to maintain basic security. I realize this is asking a lot of you, but I have no other choice. 

A servant stepped into the Silverlight and handed a holotape to Cecil, whispering something into his ear.

Cecil looked at Dr. Blissex.

Cecil: Our spies have recovered this holotape message, and ... Dr. Blissex.. This is apparently for you.

Blissex inserted the holotape into L1-NK. A holoprojection played showing a somewhat dashing man in an imperial uniform.

Vero looked visibly sick, but nobody was watching her.

“This is a message from Imperial Lord Andi Wolf, Governor of the Tangerine Sector to Dr. Walex Blissex.”

(Editor’s note: I don’t know where or what the Tangerine Sector is. It comes from Vero’s backstory, so her player would know more than I.  Subnote.. I looked it up and it’s actually the “Tangenine Sector,” which is actually a Star Wars thing. I re-read her character bio and all this time I’ve been reading it wrong. Whoops! ) 

Wolf: I am not speaking to you as your enemy today, I am a devoted husband to a dying woman. My wife, your daughter Lira Wolf, is terminally ill. Apparently the cranial implants she acquired in Cloud City were corrupted by the evolution droid virus and her body is now rejecting the implants. She has but one dying wish, to reconcile with her father. 

I shall arrange you free passage and return from the Tangerine sector. Go to your nearest starbase and from there find a transport to Kwenn Space Station. Someone will be waiting to pick you up. Also please don’t let word of this get to the Empire. This is completely off the record and we could be punished for this kind of thing, and I’m only sticking my neck out for Lira’s sake.

Please hurry, sir. Lira doesn’t have much time left. And sir, if not for this destructive civil war, it would have been my honor to know you on better terms

Governor Andi Wolf out...”

Reimagine it with the standard Star Wars imperial background and with an imperial uniform on. And make him a bit younger... so basically not anything like this at all. But still, this is the kind of vibe we get from Andi Wolf.

Blissex: I’m coming with you...

CT12, CT16, D’Wook, Hal and Grundle decided to stay behind to defend the asteroid against any threats, while the rest of the group prepared for takeoff.

The crew decided to take the Silverlight, engage their cloaking device and then follow Bib Fortuna’s ship.

A few hours later Bib’s ship disembarked from the Asteroid, cleared the asteroids, and entered hyperspace.

L1-NK did some calculations and determined that they were likely headed to the nearest starbase, Starbase 1337.

The Silverlight beat Bib to the base and cloaked. About 20 minutes later, Bib’s ship came out of hyperspace and entered a large hangar near the southern pole of the starbase.

Out of the window Vero noticed that inside the hangar bay there were several Alderaanian luxury cruisers, the Silverlight took some pictures. 

They put them on the viewscreen and enhanced them. Some were clearly still labeled as “New Alderaan Resort and Casino,” while others are having new logos stenciled on with “Twin Suns Cruise Liner”

Turk recalled seeing advertisements for this cruise liner when they were in Mos Eisley.

The crew decided they would try to fly into the hangar, but Turk realized they would likely crash and die unless someone let down the force shield for them.

To hide their cloaking abilities they flew out of sensor range, decloaked, and approached the station.

1337: 7h15 15 57428453 1337. y7-1300 f2319h732, 1d3n71fy y0u2531f. (Translation for those who need it: This is Starbase 1337. YT-1300 Freighter, identify yourself.)

Turk (on Comms): This is the Silverlight. I’m captain Turk, and I’m kind of a big deal.

1337:  57473 70(_)2 8(_)51|V355 (4|*741|V. (State your business, captain.)

Turk: I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding. Do you speak basic?

1337: _|[][] /-\/2[- |\|[]'|' #/-\|<|<7_[]/2$! _|[][] (/-\|\||\|[]'|' $|>[-/-\|< |_[-[-'|' |_!|<[- /\/\[-!

Turk: I'm not sure what you mean. I'm requesting landing access.

1337: (In the background) Dude.. cut it out. Stop messing around. (In the foreground): Fine..... Mr. ... Turk? was it? What do you want?

Turk: We’d like to land in the south hangar bay.

1337: Ooh, a high roller. You sure you can afford that when you came in THAT thing? 

Vero: We have.. Precious cargo. It’s imperative that you allow us to land in the southern hangar bay.

1337: Sorry, on a normal day you could land there if you pay the right fees, but the area is restricted because another party has rented it out.

Losar’tan: Ask them who rented it out.

Turk: May we ask who rented it out?

1337: That information is restricted... if you want to dock with the station you can.

Vero: Look, we have information suggesting that a crime is taking place in the southern hangar bay. We’d like to investigate. If we find that the crime occurred we will report it to the authorities, and they’ll shut down the whole station for collaboration with criminal elements... but if we can ... prove the station had ...erhm.. nothing to do with it... maybe they’ll simply go after the criminals.

1337: I... see... Well I don’t personally know anything, but if I did.. I might say that a cruise liner from the outer rim rented it out to refit a fleet of ships it recently purchased. But that’s only if I knew anything. Since I don’t, there’s nothing I can tell you. Anyway, you can dock at port 1137.

Turk: Port 1137, at Starbase 1337? What level is that on? 

1337: It’s in section 37 of level 137.

Jeegn: How is anyone supposed to remember that?

Golden Wheels: Makes sense to me.

Turk piloted the ship to dock at port 1137 which was located in level 137, section 37 of Starbase 1337.

They disembarked.

Blissex: This is where we part ways... for now. If I don't see you, it’s been an honor to serve with you all. But I'll meet you back at Echo Base after I see my daughter. 

I probably should have looked him up when he was introduced in the Cloud City module, but I assumed he looked like the picture they supplied. Only now do I realize that Blissex actually had on screen appearances. 

They bid Blissex adieu and everyone made their way to the turbolift and took it to the southern hangar bay

They got off the turbolift and headed for the doors to the hangar bay.

It was guarded by two Gamorrean guards.

They tried to talk their way past.

Turk: Can we.. go in there?

Guard 1: Boss say no enter. You no go in.

Guard 2: And no funny stuff. We will set alarm!

Vero: We need to get in. We’re the maintenance crew.

Losar: Yeah.. that’s it... the maintenance crew.

Guard1 : You go away now!

Turk: Um... we’re looking for the bar actually. We heard it was here.

Guard2: Bar is level 137! Not 173! 

Vero: Oh, well silly us. We’ll be on our way then.

I never got why Jabba used these guys with axes as guards, when people have frickin' laser guns.

The party went around the corner. Vero fixed her hair in a ponytail and put on some sunglasses. 

Vero (in a lower voice): I’m gonna try again. L1, come with me.

Vero and L1 approached the Gamorreans.

Vero (in a lower voice): I’m here with maintenance. This R2 unit has to perform bomb sweeps on the stolen ships.

Guard1: Hmm how she know they are stolen?

Guard2: She must be on our side.

Guard1: Okay you may enter.

Inside Vero saw a procession of wealthy passengers exiting the ship and waiting in a long immigration line. Bib exited from a different part of the ship, surrounded by a security detail of Gamorreans. Additionally, workers were painting over the labels that identified all the luxury ships as belonging to New Alderaan, and others stenciling on the Twin Suns logo.

They stealthily made their way over to the part of the hangar near Bib, who was received by a Trandoshan. Their conversation was inaudible, but L1-NK was able to record it using long range microphones.

Bib and the Trandoshan exited the hangar from a different exit.

Wanna wangga?

Vero quietly played their conversation back:

Bib: Good job on stealing these luxury ships. We now have the perfect cover for our spice-running operations to the core worlds.

Trandoshan: I trust the payment is here.

Bib: Yes. It is in my office. Follow me.

Vero: We have what we need. Let’s go join the others.

<While all that was going on>

Turk, Golden Wheels, Jeegn and Losar’Tan entered the bar and sat around waiting for Vero to come back. They ordered drinks and sat at an unoccupied table.  Turk noticed another table with five Trandoshans. He hid his face in his hands considering that he’s crossed paths with Trandoshans on several occasions. The rest of the party leaned in to try to listen to what they were saying.

T1: What are you going to do with your share?

T2: I got some debts to pay off.

T3: I kinda wish we could’ve kept one of those ships for ourselves. We could sell it for way more than what they’re paying us.

T4: That wasn’t the job... And if we coulda kept it I wouldn’t have sold it. I’d have used it for our ship.

T5: You kidding? Those things have no firepower at all.

A sixth Trandoshan entered the bar and sat down. He had a briefcase with him.  

T6: Well boys.. We did it. All that’s left to do is count the money and we can be on our way.

He reached to open the case

T1: Don’t do it here!

Turk coughed loudly.

The Trandoshans looked over at the party’s table, and they began murmuring to themselves. Jeegn was able to angle his antennae ears to hear them talking about “former stormtrooper,” “bounty,” and “Black Sun.”

With that Turk stood up and offered to buy a round for the other table. Losar’Tan reached into his bag of spices and began whipping up some “special seasoning,” saying he’d make their drinks “extra potent.” 

He mixed several ingredients together and poured a bit into each Trandoshan’s cup.

All but one took sips and then downed the whole drink saying how delicious it was.

It was then that Losar’Tan noticed that the one who did not drink was wearing a purple headband.

In fact, three others were all wearing headbands. The guy who had entered with a briefcase was wearing a blue one, and there was also a “cool but rude” one wearing a red headband, and a “party dude” one wearing an orange headband. Also, in the haze of the vape smoke, it looked like there had been six Trandoshans, but actually there were only four. The other two figures were a female human dressed in a yellow jumpsuit and an elderly rat-like alien.

(Editor’s note: This was totally unplanned. When one of the Trandoshans rolled a high enough perception to realize Losar’Tan was poisoning them, I thought it’d be funny to say he was the smart one by having him wear a purple headband. But that only made sense if the others were also wearing color coded headbands... and so, spontaneously, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Trandoshans were born.)  

Imagine them like.. with big fangs and reptilian eyes and sharp teeth.. and totally evil. So yeah, nothing like this.

Donatello told everyone not to drink the drinks, but it was too late. Everyone who imbibed felt a little groggy. This made Michaelangelo and Raphael angry and they charged at Losar’Tan shouting “Cowabunga!” Leonardo shouted "Protect Master Splinter!"

The party drew their weapons and all hell broke loose, with nunchucks, sais, bo staves, and katana on one side and blasters and vibro weapons on the other. The female human began documenting the whole thing with her holorecorder as she reported on events

April: This is April O’Neil with Channel 6 News. I’m standing in the bar at Starbase 1337 where the notorious criminal Turk and his entourage are involved in a ruckus with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Trandoshans, bounty hunters looking to cash in on the massive bounty that has been put on Turk’s head by the Black Sun crime syndicate.

The Trandoshans looked at her and told her to shut up and help them fight.

Vero and L1 entered the bar and joined the fray.

During the commotion, Jeegn scooped up the briefcase and made his way back to the Silverlight, He took a handful of credits out and put them in his pocket, then closed the case and hid it in one of the secret smuggling compartments.

The rest of the party fought with the TMNTs who were not doing well at fighting back because they were drugged. But they were still holding their own.

Just then a group of 20 Alderaanian security personnel entered the bar and helped them finish off the Trandoshans who were escorted by the station personnel to the brig.

Col. Norrin Rad introduced himself and said he and about 200 men were on board the station, trying to figure out a way to get to Asteroid 7785 to defend New Alderaan.

The party told him that all of the New Alderaan ships were actually here and they could steal them back and fly back to the asteroid. He suggested also stealing Bib Fortuna’s ship for defensive purposes as they make their getaway, but added that none among his security force could fly such a ship because they were not familiar with its design. They were only capable of flying ships of Alderaanian design.

Our boys in grey!

The party decided that Vero would fly the Silverlight out and Turk would fly Bib Fortuna’s ship, with the rest of the party providing support on Bib’s ship.

Vero left for the Silverlight, surprised to find Jeegn just chilling in there. They took off and cloaked when out of range.

The Alderaan security army and the party went to the south hangar bay and told the guards they were going in. The guards saw the size of their force and promptly opened the doors.

Once they were inside, the Alderaanians made a mad dash for each ship in an orderly fashion, but as the party stepped toward Bib Fortuna’s ship, another 20 Trandoshans entered from the opposing door, led by one armored with metal shaped into blades.


The party made quickly boarded Bib’s ship and made for the bridge. They took off, blasting the force shield controls and causing the hangar bay to depressurize.

Shredder: Ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

They were on their way back to Asteroid 7785 when suddenly there was an explosion. Golden Wheels pulled up the security cameras and they saw an armored figure, whom Lo'sar recognized as the perpetrator of the Alderaan kitchen explosion, running from the area of the explosion, boarding an escape pod and ejecting. The ship computer identified him as the bounty hunter Boushh.

It was THIS guy!

Ship's computer: Warning, systems failure in 30 seconds. Abandon ship. Repeat... Warning ...

The party made for the escape pods. Turk and Golden Wheels took one. Losar’Tan took another.

Vero saw what happened and made his way to pick up the pod closest to her, which had  Turk and Golden Wheels.

Another ship picked up the other two pods.

Losar’Tan and Boushh exited their pods immediately and began to fight for control of the small ship. 

Losar’Tan looked as if he was about to get the upper hand, but Boushh threw a thermal detonator into Losar’s escape pod, which exploded and made it unusable.

In the scuffle another detonator activated and landed in the cockpit.

The two made a mad scramble for the other pod. Boushh made it in first but Losar was holding onto his helmet. Boushh took off the helmet and closed the pod door, conveniently obscuring his face from the camera (and Lo'sar Tan) the whole time.  

Losar’Tan put on the helmet and jumped into the section of the ship farthest from the cockpit, which happened to be a closet that had weapons and armor in it. He closed the closet door.


The small ship fell to pieces and the part with Lo’Sar was flung in the opposite direction of the pod containing Boushh.

The Silverlight was able to track Lo’Sar’s location and Vero maneuvered to pick him up before the vacuum of space would take the air out of that closet section.

The Silverlight decloaked and was about to go into hyperspace back to asteroid 7785 when...

A flying Turtlevan shot at them. A space fight ensued and the TMNTs’ engine blew out leaving them stranded.

Vero engaged the hyperdrive and the Silverlight sped away.

Roll Credits

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