Monday, August 27, 2018


Note: The title of this session was originally "The Force Within," but the force wasn't really "within" anything for two reasons. First, two of the group members canceled on short notice, which means I had to rework what I had planned. Next, one of the group members was quite late, meaning we ran out of time before what was supposed to be the big climax. (Meaning we probably are going to start the next session with said climax.)


Opening Crawl:

The Death Star is no more. REBEL command is planning to evacuate their no-longer hidden base on Yavin IV.

Distress calls from IMPERIAL survivors have been intercepted. They originate from deep within the Yavinian Jungles, because where else would they be when the entire planet/moon thingy has only one biome, like all inhabitable planets in the galaxy.

Special Agent Arnette Sterling Turk, in his first mission as a newly-minted rebel sergeant, has been ordered to lead a team disguised as Imperials to “rescue” this band of survivors and silence any further communication they might have with the Empire...