Opening Crawl:
Princess Leia Organa commands Another Chance, an old Clone Wars-era capital ship that was converted into an armory by the high council of Alderaan about 20 years prior to the planet’s destruction.
Manned by a makeshift skeleton crew of well-known (and not so well-known) HEROES OF YAVIN, the ship is en route to the new hidden Rebel base located in the Hoth system.
With their vessel having been heavily damaged in battle, the crew is making as many repairs as possible without dropping out of lightspeed.
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Another Chance... to die? |
So we started this one as taking place just a few hours after the last one ended and I decided to pair the characters off with one of the feature characters they had just picked up as they were each working on different sections of the ship.
Luke and Hal are working on the life support systems.
Luke: So let me get this straight. You bought my speeder, went to my home, saw my dead aunt and uncle, borrowed my T-16, then you all snuck inside the Death Star and you blew open the exhaust port just a few minutes before I blew it up? What a weird coincidence.
Hal: Yes, it is a small galaxy. Now that I know that it was your house, I am sorry for your loss.
Luke: It was so unfortunate, they were good people. It makes me feel so terrible that I wanted nothing but to get off that planet my whole life, and now I would give anything to go back to work on that farm if it meant they would still be alive.... Anyway, this life support module has a bad motivator, look!
Hal and Luke wired together a few transistors here and there and were able to get life support working on the bridge, the cargo bay and the hangar bay.
Han and Turk are working on the damaged torpedo bays.
Han: So let me get this straight. You were supposed to meet Greedo the day he tried to take me in to Jabba to collect the bounty on my head? Then you met Jabba yourselves because you were afraid of his wrath, but then he hired you and your friends for a different job and you doublecrossed him? And he sentenced you to death and executed you, but you guys survived? You guys are some of the luckiest nerfherders I know!
Turk: Who are you calling a nerfherder?
Han: I’m just messing with you kid. But I like you. Maybe when this is all over we can swap stories over a cold brew.
Turk: Okay deal. By the way, how can I become a great smuggler like you?
Han: Well, this isn’t a glamorous life, kid, but if you want some advice here are three things you really need to be a great smuggler. First you need a friend that will be with you through thick and thin. Me n’ Chewie have been through so many things together and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me or me for him.
Turk thought about his relationship with D’wook... and well... it was a relationship anyway.
Han: Second, you need a good blaster at your side, and you need to know when to pull the trigger, if you know what I mean.
Turk: So you’re saying you gotta know when tho hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em and know when to walk away, and know when to run?
Han: Uh... yeah... and all that jazz about counting money while sitting at the table. Anyway.. The third thing you need is a really fast ship. The Falcon is one of the fastest ships in the galaxy. It made the kessel run in under 12 parsecs.
Turk: Wow! But hey why is it broken all the time?
Han: Nevermind that, we got work to do.
After removing the jammed torpedo from the loading array they were able to bring 10 of the torpedo bays back online.
Leia was in one of the cargo bays with Jeegn, Grundle, and Vero taking inventory of the weapons stored in the cargo hold.
There were about 100 t-47 airspeeders, and thousands of boxes labeled “Uniform, Tundra,” or “Uniform, Jungle” Thousands of long blaster rifles lined the walls
Leia: So let me get this straight, you two didn’t quit your gigs as spies to focus on your music? We just thought you did because you stopped filing reports, and that was someone else who looks exactly like you who took your place? And you? You just randomly happened upon these guys in that gangster’s palace and helped them to open the exhaust hatch on the Death Star after my friends and I escaped? And all of you were actually sentenced to death by that gangster who actually carried out your execution but you survived somehow, and you have been off the radar for the past two years?
Jeegn: Yeah well, we were kind of ‘underground’ for two years. We were ‘laying low.’
Grundle: Erm, well he means were inside a Sarlaac monster on Tatooine.
Leia: Sounds dangerous. Good thing I won’t ever go there.
And you.. They say you have an ‘explosive’ personality.
Vero: Yes I do. I can help upgrade some of these weapons if you need me to...
Leia: That would be great.
Leia opened one of the jungle boxes and pulled out a helmet with a metal rim and a camouflaged poncho.
Leia: “This probably would stick out like a sore thumb, but might be useful later.”
Vero suggested looking in the tundra box.
She pulled out some goggles that look like a ski mask.
Leia: “This is more like it. This will work out fine... and those airspeeders, I don’t know if we can use them at all. Hoth is pretty cold...”
Jeegn: Well why don’t you try to modify them for the cold.
Leia: “That's a great idea! We can make them into some kind of ... of ... snowspeeder!”
Cecil waltzed in with his salvagers.. Took a look at the weapons and struck up a conversation with Vero while the others were talking.
Cecil: You guys are going to need this stuff. You’re in some serious trouble.
Vero: How so?
Cecil: You made a deal with the Black Sun crime syndicate and you killed the guy they sent with you and lost their ship on asteroid 7785?
Vero: It happens. We got what we needed out of there though.
Cecil: But you need me to protect you! Besides, now that I am recognized royalty, and will legitimately be the King of New Alderaan... I have to ask you if you’ve ever seen yourself as a queen?
Vero firmly refused his advances, saying she was more of a doer rather than a ruler, and she could protect herself.
Chewbacca and D’Wook were in a dark room. Chewbacca opened up a panel in the wall and tried to reach something.
Chewie: ROAR!!!
Chewbacca pointed at the open panel and gave D’wook a long metal rod.
D’wook took the rod and went inside the panel, and used the rod to flip a breaker switch and the lights turned on and he could hear water running. The light revealed they were in a kitchen, and D’wook was under the sink.
Chewie opened a bag of rations and threw it in the sink and they expanded instantly into very large loaves of bread.
He pulled D’wook out of the access panel, and gave a loaf to him and they both chowed down. Chewie gave D’wook a high five, but D’wook was small of stature and could only return a low five.
In engineering, R2D2 and L1-NK were connected to computer terminals next to each other, trying to defrag some really outdated systems.
R2D2: Beep beep boop (so let me get this straight. Your friends are idiots and you have to save them from certain doom all the time too? How predictable)
L1-NK: Boop Beep Beep: (If it wasn’t for me and the Ewok, Turk would have died so many times by now.)
R2D2: Beep beep boop (What would they do without us)
They were able to update the systems to the most current OS.
On the bridge, C3P0 and Golden Wheels were being generally useless
C3P0: So allow me to get a proper understanding. You were built out of spare droid parts by an assistant to the shopkeeper at a droid shop and your head was removed from your body and placed on the body of a trade federation battle droid? Oh my! That sounds dreadful. Good thing nothing like that has ever happened to me!
Golden Wheels repeatedly asked if he could borrow some of C3P0’s parts, and C3P0 kept saying he needed them, but with all the other droids lying around inoperable, it probably wouldn’t be much of a problem if he were to take parts from them.
Back to Luke and Hal
Luke: and then you were fed to the Sarlaac? Well, I guess you all are lucky you don’t taste very good. Hey, how was it you were able to get out of there? I thought nobody was supposed to be able to escape.
Hal: I had a vision.
Luke: A vision? What kind of vision?
Hal ignited his lightsaber.
Luke: You mean you know the ways of the force? Who is your master?
Hal: Schala Zeal is, or rather.. She was before I... before I....
Luke: Well I’ve never heard of her, but I’m going to become a great Jedi knight like my father.
Hal: Who is your father.
Luke: Oh.. well I never met him... but...
Suddenly the ship dropped out of lightspeed and Orin Tathis called everyone to the bridge.
Tathis: it seems we are running low on fuel. During the time this ship was cycling into hyperspace on loop, it would stop every few years to collect fuel pods from a designated drop point. With Alderaan destroyed that hasn’t been possible for two years now.
The players asked where they were right now, and according to the ship's computer they were near Takodana.
Solo: I know a lot of people stop here on their smuggling runs. Maybe we can make a deal for some fuel. What have we got to trade?
Vero suggested weapons, but Leia objected, saying those are needed by the rebellion. She suggested making a deal where they get the fuel now in exchange for credits later.
Solo: The hyperdrive is still broken on the falcon but we can take it to the surface. C’mon Chewie. Who else is coming with me?
Luke, Leia, C3P0, R2D2, Tathis, Cecil, and the salvage crew said they would stay behind to keep working on Another Chance. Grundle’s player was not at this session, so Grundle also stayed behind.
Leia ordered Cecil to fly the ship behind one of the planet’s moons, to avoid being detected. She commanded everyone not to contact Another Chance as it is vulnerable and needs to stay hidden until they can get to Hoth.
Later on the Falcon:
Han: Hmm, I’ve never been to this planet. Chewie, put her down in the mountains near that small spaceport.
Chewie: Roar
Han: Well we can’t let her down in the spaceport I’ve got a bounty on my head remember? We wanna lay low.
Turk said maybe landing on a mountain wasn’t the best idea because it’s not exactly stable, but Han said Chewie was a great pilot and they’d be fine.
The doors entrance ramp opened and Han stepped out to get a look at the surroundings. The rest of the crew followed.
Han started marching up the mountain, saying they could make it to the spaceport in about 30 minutes. He told Chewbacca to remain on the Falcon. Everyone else followed Han.
Eventually they came to a 6 foot wall made of felled trees and branches scattered in a haphazard kind of way.
They all climbed the wall to see that it was kind of a large round primitive platform structure nestled on the side of the mountain at one of the steepest parts and made travel to the summit much easier as if it was some kind of bridge. The floor of the structure was made of the same materials, various trees and branches tangled into each other.
In the center of the structure were six rainbow colored boulders taller than a man.
Han muttered something about weird alien naturalist religions and their stupid temples and made his way between the boulders towards the other side.
D’wook noticed the air smelled funny and looked up to see a large bird high in the sky, but it was swooping downward toward the boulders.
As it drew closer it’s rainbow feathers glistened in the evening sun.
Han made a run for the other side of the structure to get away from the boulders.
The bird, about three times the height of a man, landed in the center of the boulders, blocking everyone’s way.
Turk decided he would make his way around the perimeter of the structure correctly, deducing that this was in fact the bird’s nest and the boulders were its eggs.
He threw a stick at one of the eggs and made a small crack.
D’wook was very not happy and gave him a shout.
The bird slapped Turk with his wing, knocking him unconscious.
It showed its full wingspan and crowed loudly in an effort to scare the intruders away.
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I'd have said it was beautiful, but it definitely ain't. |
Jeegn remembered from his xenobiology class that this bird was called a flutterplume and that it was carnivorous. It has been known to raze towns and eat the inhabitants when large prey are not available, but because it has been so widely hunted it is an endangered species.
(Editor’s note: Really really nerdy folks would have been able to spoiler spoiler spoiler here, but having never seen anything with this bird in it myself, no one thought anything of it. I did not do much research on the bird and read its description very quickly, deducing from the gnarly picture that it was a gigantic bird that terrorized entire towns. A kaiju-scale monster of sorts. In canon, Flutterplumes are large, maybe as tall as someone’s belly button, but certainly not the scale that I described it as. Oh well. We can rationalize this by saying that the game is a retelling of the story that actually happened, and the storytellers are fudging facts to make things more interesting.)
Hal ignited his lightsaber and charged at the bird hoping to distract it so that his comrades could make it to the other side of the nest/bridge.
The bird turned to focus on him as Vero and D’wook carried Turk by his arms and legs to the other side.
Jeegn, Golden Wheels, and L1 waited to see if Hal could scare the flutterplume away.
The flutterplume made a few strikes with its beak, missing Hal completely. On its next strike, that surely would have killed the Jedi Padawan, Hal raised his lightsaber just the right way and swung it forward, slicing the bird completely in half from head to cloaca, and he became drenched in blood and covered in a cloud of feathers.
The rest of the party gathered around as Hal expressed his remorse at killing such a majestic beast.
They debated covering the eggs in the corpse, but Han suggested that they could come back for the eggs and use one of the cargo holds for an incubator after they get the fuel. He said there were people who would pay good money for the eggs.
The party instead covered parts of the eggs in feathers.
D’wook took a few of the larger feathers and lashed them to his vibro spear.
He started to build a fire and began rubbing two sticks together. L1 produced a flint and steel firestarter kit and handed it to D’wook, who lit the fire in the center of the ring of eggs in an effort to keep them warm. He also took a few chunks of meat and started roasting them.
It was delicious.
He burped in Turk’s face, and the vile smell caused him to regain consciousness.
Golden Wheels covered his entire body in blood and stuck the feathers to himself, which Turk found to be very disturbing.
Han said the sun was going down so they had better be on their way soon before it gets to hard to see where they are walking.
They made it into town and Han found the cantina. He said they should all enter separately so as not to draw attention to themselves. The party agreed.
Turk was the last in but as he was about to enter, he heard a young girl from across the street shout about her ball.
He turned around to see that she was running into the street to go get the ball that she and two other kids had been playing with.
Just then a repulsor truck happened to be turning around the corner and likely would have hit her, but without thinking Turk ran into the street and pushed her out of the way. The truck smacked into him and he went flying again, as the trucker slammed on the breaks.
The trucker got out to check on him. Turk was, for the most part okay, though he had badly scraped his whole left side, tearing a hole in his powder blue leisure suit, which he was still wearing for some reason, even though he had access to both jungle and tundra rebel combat uniforms.
(Editor’s note: This sequence was made because Turk had accumulated a dark side point several sessions ago for executing the female assassin on Bazaar at point blank, after she had already been subdued. Because he risked his life for this girl, he had atoned.)
The girl thanked him and the trucker got back in the truck and suggested Turk go to a hospital to get checked out.
Turk limped into the cantina.
Han was in the corner talking to two Aqualish spacers. The rest of the crew were in various other parts of the bar among the rabble of aliens.
Vero overheard a conversation between two human smugglers
Smuggler 1: Yeah, so the drop point was somewhere in the Jungle west of here, I heard they have an entire armed base.
Smuggler 2: Wow, so ever since Captain Hook and his pirates have moved up in the world. After he made that big score on a bounty for some Hutt crime boss two years ago, he’s been all about making up a permanent base. Looks like he finally made it.
Vero asked some more questions about where the base was, and the first smuggler said it was in the jungle a few clicks out, due west.
A drunk came by asking Hal to buy him a round. He said he was good for it and he would pay him back next week.
Hal, who was still covered in blood and feathers stared the guy down... and he went to go beg the next person.
Jeegn was sitting at the bar listening to music when the holovid projector switched to an urgent news flash:
Anchor: Galaxy-famous rockstars Jeegn Ztungles and Grundle Chanken were arrested on stage on day three of the Ice Pirates week-long residency on Dantooine. They are charged with the murder of robotics scientist Dr. Darian Mogra, who was found dead in his lab in Cloud City on Bespin.
Reporter: The alleged murder occurred just hours before they took the stage. Security camera footage allegedly shows the rockstars allegedly breaking down the door and allegedly shooting Dr. Mogra, then allegedly running out of the room. Officer Lobot of the Cloud City Security Force said that he was certain the rockstars did it because of overwhelming evidence.
Lobot: They left DNA samples and we have them on camera. They simply waltzed in and murdered the guy in cold blood.
Reporter: The two rock stars were in the middle of a concert when the police took them in. The band was in the middle of a multiyear galactic tour, but now that two bandmembers have been arrested, their management has announced the rest of the tour is cancelled and refunds will be issued.
A sequence was shown with Dantooine Police walking onstage and cuffing the two in the middle of a song. Fake Jeegn looked at the camera and screamed “I WAS FRAMED!”
A guy at the bar said to Jeegn that there’s no way Jeegn and Grundle could have done it. Dantooine is on the other side of the galaxy from Bespin and they couldn’t have made it back in time for the concert.
He the looked at Jeegn, then did a double take when he saw who he is talking to. He excused himself, saying he had to go to the bathroom.
As the man was about to make a phonecall, Jeegn put his finger on the phone, saying that the guy was right, it couldn’t have been the real Jeegn, because he was the real Jeegn.
He then started singing a song to prove it. It was “Sweet Caroline” but sung to the tune of “Sweet Caroline”
The whole cantina joined in song, and the crisis was averted.
But just outside, L1-NK and Golden Wheels noticed six Trandoshans walk into the cantina.
D’wook noticed they had tattoos of a Black Sun, similar to Kaylorn, whom they previously killed.
He readied his spear just in case.
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There were two others. And their tattoos were on their left arms so that's why you can't see them. |
The Trandoshans sat at the bar and barked out drink orders, but one of them recognized Turk. We’ll call him Dave for lack of my ability to come up with a more original name.
Dave: Hey Turk! Yeah you! Turk!
Turk: Me?
Dave: Yes, you’re Turk? And you’re kind of a big deal? You took a job from Kapin Tooligin the Twilek, and he sent my buddy Kaylorn with you and you killed him!
Turk: I think you have me mistaken for someone else.
Turk raised his can of beer and took a big sip.
The Trandoshan snatched it, crumpled the can into a tiny ball with one hand, threw it at the wall and stared Turk right in the eye.
Dave: No, you’re definitely him. And you’re not getting out of here alive. What do you think about that?
Turk: I think you owe me another beer!
D’wook, who had been watching the whole interaction facepalmed as hard as his little paws could facepalm.
Turk went flying across the room and was promptly knocked out... again.
(Editor’s note: the details of this battle are a bit fuzzy for me. I had it so that the Trandoshans would keep the party occupied for a few rounds and then the police would show up. But the party rolled extremely well and were able to kill all the Trandoshans with their combined effort).
D’wook launched himself at Dave, burying his vibro spear deep into his skull. Dave fell to the floor.
Jeegn, who had been in the hallway leading to the bathroom entered the fray, but missed with his blaster.
Vero grappled one of the Trandoshans and broke his neck.
Hal ignited his lightsaber and deprived two Trandoshans of their hands.
One of the Trandoshans swung a large battle axe at Jeegn who ducked out of the way.
D’wook stabbed him too.
Etc etc.. they all died.
The bartender thanked the party for taking care of the Trandoshans because they had been terrorizing the cantina for the past few months and he was glad to be rid of their menace. But he said he would have to call the police, so they best be on their way.
The party noticed that Han Solo was missing. They asked the bartender if he saw what happened to Han.
He said that during the fighting several of Captain Hook’s men tazed someone and carried him out the door.
Vero remembered that Hook’s new pirate/bounty hunter base was “a few clicks west” of here.
The bartender sprayed Hal down with a hose, removing all the blood and feathers.
The barmaid picked up the pretty feathers saying they were worth a lot.
The bartender told her to stop messing around and call Ord Mantell PD.
(Editors Note: I was hoping that the players would hear this and be like WHAT? We’re on Ord Mantell? I thought you said we were on Takodana! But they didn’t get it. I repeated “ORD MANTELL PD” several times and they still didn’t get what I was referring to.)
In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo tells General Rieekan that he is leaving the Rebel Alliance because he’s got a bounty on his head. He then gets into an argument with Leia, who protests that Han “had decided to stay.”
Han quips back that “the bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind.”
So during this whole sequence with the feature characters, I am attempting to explain why the Milennium Falcon’s hyperdrive is broken (because of the fight with three star destroyers in the Graveyard of Alderaan) and who the bounty hunter on Ord Mantell is (Captain Hook).
Yes, I know that there are actual canon explanations for both, but this is cooler.
Anyway I explained this, and Hal’s player got the reference. Thanks dude, I’m really trying here.)
The players bid the bartender farewell, and he told them to “have a good Day... of the Octopus!”
(Another weird obscure note: “Day of the Octopus” is the module that comes with TSR’s Marvel Super Heroes Roleplaying Game, which was the first roleplaying game I ever played, probably when I was about 8 or 9 years old, with the guys playing Turk and D’wook when we were all a lot younger. Although I didn’t say this during our actual game session, I had it written down, because the adventure we were playing today is “The Pirates of Prexiar,” and it is contained in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded rulebook, which is the version of the game we are playing. Everything up to this point has been setup to start the Pirates of Prexiar, which has a team of rebels sneaking into a jungle fort to steal back some rebel supplies that the pirates had stolen. Only I changed the identity of the main villain to my own creation, Captain Hook, and I changed it so that they would rescue Han Solo and steal fuel.)
The party left the bar and got Chewbacca on the comlink. Chewie said he’d meet them at the clearing south of town.
They then flew in the Falcon due west and saw the camp within the jungle. They decided to land in a creekbed and follow the stream to the encampment on foot.
When they came to the camp’s perimeter they had a look around and saw that the camp was likely home to about 100 pirates. There was the Tantive III, the same ship that they had helped Captain Hook bust free from the star destroyer Avenger before he doublecrossed them and collected Jabba’s bounty on their heads.
Here’s the map provided with the game. I guess Captain Hook’s first name is Vangar. That’s right. Captain Vangar Hook.
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So that ship is a blockade runner, and the "Rebel Supplies" are the fuel pods they need. |
(Note: Here is where things got bogged down a bit, through no fault of the players. West End Games Star Wars adventures typically begin with the players reading a script to set the scene. Since I already set the scene to explain why they were here, and because I had changed a few things, I did not provide them with the script. But it basically fed them lines like “We should try to short out the electric fence and then crawl through the hole, but we better not make too much noise because those guard towers will spot us.” “Does anyone have a tool to cut the fence?” “Once we have the loot, maybe we should use the cargo loader skiff as an escape vehicle.”
It then becomes rather straightforward. They need to sneak in, load their cargo on the skiff, and bust out and return to their ship. But instead of the script telling them what to do, I left them to figure it out themselves.... Discussing at length what might be the best way to get in there, find Han Solo, and get out.)
They decided to split the party into three (or four?) who were good at sneaking, and everyone else who would wait outside and create distractions as necessary.
(If I got it wrong who was on which team, I’m sorry. It’s hard to remember exactly, especially since we were trying to rush through to get to the end at this point.
D’wook, Hal, and Vero and Jeegn? swam under the fence and into the pond. The rest of the group made noises in the forest so that the guards in the tower would look there and they could sneak out of the pond.
They headed for the barracks buildings along the south perimeter of the camp. Between two of the buildings they silently took out a guard and made their way northward toward a more luxurious mansion-type building in the center.
D’wook looked through the back window to see that Captain Hook was in side lecturing someone. He could see Han Solo’s boots only, and assumed they were connected to Han Solo.
Hook got a call that his dinner suite was ready, so he left and made his way to the mess hall. He had two of his men stand guard at the door. And he told them not to let Han Solo leave the room.
(I had incorporated this skit into the dialogue, but in the moment I though it doesn’t really work when I’m the only one acting it out. Plus we were a bit pressed for time, so I just skipped it.)
D’wook snuck through the window and when to Check on Han. He’d been roughed up a bit. His face was bloodied and one of his eyes was swollen. D’Wook untied his bindings as quietly as he could.
Hal, Jeegn and Vero snuck around to the other side of the building. D’wook made a noise from the inside and the guards entered to try to figure out what was going on. Hal Jeegn and Vero also entered and a short fight ensued, with the guards quickly subdued.
The initial plan was that they were going to try to steal the Tantive III, but they realized that likely the four of them probably wouldn’t stand a chance. So they decided to go load some fuel and take the skiff out.
Inside the quarters were some switches labeled “lights” and “electric fence”
Vero got on the comlink with Turk, and said now would be a great time to make some distractions.
D’wook flicked both switches.
Golden Wheels, who was still covered in blood and feathers, started making flutterplume calls as loud as he could. The spotlights all shone on him as he did his best bird impression. “CAW!!! CAW CAW CAW!!!!”
The pirates all shouted that it was another one of those birds and dozens of them ran over to the east side of the camp as the guard towers began shooting.
Turk threw a few thermal detonators at the nearest guard tower, which went up in flames. More and more pirates streamed out of buildings and began shooting aimlessly into the jungle.
The sneak party took this as their cue to run under the Tantive III, Jeegn and Vero propping up Han’s limp and beaten body. They threw him onto the cargo skiff and began loading fuel pods. D’wook stood watch while the other three loaded the pods. Fortunately the distraction was so effective that they didn’t have to kill anyone to steal the skiff. After the loading was done, they jumped on and made for the entrance.
They told the distraction party that they were out, so Turk led that group back to the Falcon.
The skiff was then being chased by four speeder bikes, and actually had a hard time losing them, with several collisions occurring and at one point needing to stop completely. A few swings of the lightsaber took care of one of them, and an Ewok jumping on the back of another driver took care of another.
The other two crashed head on due to some sweet fancy flying from Vero.
(Note: There was a section here with a fight against two imperial walkers but come on.. These are pirates in the jungle. That makes no sense.
I hadn’t intended for the party to split up, and it didn’t quite make sense for the distract team to make it back to the Falcon at the same time as the sneak team. Turk’s player pointed this out, and D’wook’s player (much like their player dynamic) facepalmed and told him not to make life difficult for the GM when he’s trying to help you out.
I will explain why this is possible here. The distract team went back the way they came, along the creek bed, where there are no trees blocking their way. The sneak team had to drive a clumsy cargo skiff around the perimeter of the camp and through some dense jungle and there aren’t exactly paths for it to follow. They also had to fight off four speeder bikes, so it works out that they would arrive at about the same time.)
They drove the skiff directly up the ramp into the Falcon and told Chewie to take off.
As they were taking off, they spotted the Tantive III also taking off, closing in on them. Hook hailed the Falcon.
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Well, I couldn't find a pic of them fighting each other, but here are the two ships in this part. |
Hook: You guys, whoever you are, you’re not getting away from us! Solo and his bounty are mine! My reputation as a bounty hunter will equal no others, and if I have to destroy you to get what I need, I will!
Turk: But if you destroy us, then you can’t collect the bounty.
Hook: Yeah but... but... aggh! Who is this?
Turk: This is Turk and I’m kind of a big deal, but that’s not important right now. Let us go!
Hook: TURK!!!!! I thought you were dead!
Turk: Really? Did you see my underwear on a dead body?
Hook: What?!?!??!?! Nevermind. Prepare to be boarded!
The Tantive III sent out a few torpedoes which were able to slow down the Falcon as it closed in. The Falcon returned fire with its turbolasers, having minimal effect.
Chewbacca growled.
Turk called for light speed.
Golden Wheels reminded him that the hyperdrive was broken.
Turk ordered L1 to fix the hyperdrive.
L1 tried, but determined he didn’t have the tools or materials he would need for that.
Sensors indicated that the Tantive III was powering up a weapon.
Just then torpedoes rained in, setting off several explosions in the Tantive III. It was Another Chance and it had entered the fray, coming from behind its hiding place behind the moon.
The Tantive III turned tail and began to flee.
Another Chance hailed the Falcon
Han: Well your worship, it certainly took you long enough!
Leia: Cute. I’m guessing your fuel run didn't go as expected?
Han: We have all the fuel we need and more. But the navcomputer on that ship of yours is broken. This isn’t Takodana, it’s Ord Mantell.
Leia: Luke figured that out shortly after you left. Anyway stop messing around and dock.
Han: Alright, keep your tape ... taped. We’ll be there soon.
Roll Credits!
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