Opening Crawl:
After discovering a group of Imperial intelligence officers in a hidden room inside the ruins of the Palace of Alderaan, Vero, Turk, Jeegn, D’wook, Hal and the droids quickly defeated them and kept one alive for questioning.
Who was this trap set for? Where is all the rumored Alderaanian treasure? And how are they going to get off this Asteroid?
The Imperial officer stares defiantly at the group of rebels, intent on keeping his secrets. At least for now...
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This is apparently what the palace of Alderaan looked like. So imagine this is just part of a large asteroid and it is flying around in space. |
And so began the interrogation of their captive. Turk asked his name.
“I am Janus Bonn, Captain, serial number 32X7243.”
Turk began asking more questions of him, like, what’s up with the holograms?
Bonn replied:
“I am Janus Bonn, Captain, serial number 32X7243.”
Just then L1-NK began playing “Stuck in the Middle With You.”
D’Wook began dancing back and forth with his vibro blade in hand.
Hal and Vero decided to leave the interrogation to the rest of the folks and go look around the hallways of the palace ruins some more. (To avoid Hal getting a darkside point, because clearly they were planning to torture Bonn.)
Bonn looked at Turk and told him to “call off his dog”
At that insult, D’wook jumped towards the captain, who was unrestrained and was therefore able to duck under the desk.
Turk then shot at the desk, hoping to hit it where Bonn was not. He succeeded.
D’Wook then stabbed Bonn’s foot with his vibro blade, and liberated his pockets.
Golden Wheels went into a spin and slapped the desk away. It crashed into the wall and broke.
Bonn got up on one knee and proclaimed that all was lost for the group. Though he knew for sure that they were imposters and not the real Heroes of Yavin, the trap had already been set and soon they would meet their doom.
D’wook began to ask questions such as, how many imperials were on the asteroid and what’s the point of the trap?
Bonn said he was done talking.
Turk, to show he meant business, attempted to shoot a warning shot very close to Bonn, but he lost his grip and shot the ceiling instead.
Bonn looked at him.
“I know a stormtrooper when I see one, you treasonous fool. The empire will never forgive you. Who are you soldier?,” he said.
“I’m Turk and I’m kind of a big deal, now answer our questions.”
With a twist of D’Wook’s vibro-blade, Bonn let out a squeal.
“Alright! I’ll talk. Lord Vader wants to lure the princess and her friends here. He has plans for them, especially the one called....”
Just then his head exploded. The group turned around to see a relatively tall man dressed in fine robes bearing the crest of House Organa, holding an obscenely large gun that looked as if he was trying to overcompensate for something.
It was the guy that most of them had briefly met and ignored at the dinner in their honor on Bazaar, Cecil Organa, the “King of Alderaan.”
The man they had agreed to work with to avoid a confrontation out in the asteroid field.
“What a boring conversation that was,” Cecil said. His entourage included four human salvagers and... Grundle Chanken, who had agreed to join Cecil’s crew to get a ride to rejoin the party.
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Cecil, the self proclaimed "King of Alderaan" actually goes around dressed like this. |
Editor’s note: The module for Graveyard of Alderaan does not have any character called Cecil Organa. Instead it is a human scavenger named Belinda Vog. Cecil is the character I created when I first started playing this game. I played him just like he sounds here, an arrogant stuck up jerk who is full of himself and has a massive chip on his shoulder because he was never recognized as a true Organa. I realized much later that Organa is the name of Baal’s wife's family and Alderaan is matriarchal, so he should technically be the bastard daughter of Queen Breha’s sister... but I didn’t know that when I created him, and few people know that unless they are really read up on Star Wars lore. Anyway, it was good to step into his shoes again, even if I had to not do so much so that the PCs take center stage.
Because Cecil had blown away the only person who they were going to get information from, D’wook was very visibly angry, and growled sternly at him, but the salvagers all trained their guns on the Ewok. The rest of the group all trained their guns on the salvagers.
Seeing that there was a standoff, Grundle stepped between everyone, saying that they were here to work together. He explained what Cecil had told them earlier, that there were secrets in the palace that only a member of the House Organa could unlock, and Cecil’s story checks out.
He’s a bastard, but technically he is the last surviving member of House Organa by blood, given that the princess was adopted, a fact that most of the galaxy does not know.
At that, the party agreed to work with Cecil’s crew... for now, but they were still displeased with him.
They stepped out of the hidden room and down the hall where they came upon a great chasm with an old creaky stairway leading to the rest of the palace below. Vero and Hal were waiting here. They all decided to go down the stairway but it began to creak and sway, and most of them felt as if they should probably go one at a time because it probably would not support their weight.
Vero was first. She slowly descended step by step finding a large gap in the stairway that she jumped over, but just barely, having to wave her arms to keep balance. She then tripped on her way down, but was uninjured.
“Jump farther than I did!” she yelled to the top of the stairs.
Hal was next. He ignited his lightsaber for light.
He made his way down the stairs over to the hole. He jumped over the hole, but lost his footing a bit, which made him drop the lightsaber to keep his balance. He then fell the rest of the way down the stairs.
He looked down into the chasm below but did not see his lightsaber.
D’wook was next and he skillfully made his way to the hole in the stairs, he jumped but not far enough and was hanging on by his paws. He then attempted to pull himself up but fell to the bottom.
Turk called down to him to see if he was okay. D’Wook howled back. He had landed in a net that had recently been placed over the chasm.
Golden Wheels was next and as he made his way to the stairs, a hidden rocket booster appeared in his back and he flew across the chasm, landing in a superhero pose on the other side.
L1-NK was next and he fired a grappling hook to the other side and it was caught by Golden Wheels. Golden Wheels yelled for him to start reeling himself in, but because L1-NK was so heavy it started to pull Golden Wheels closer to the pit. Golden Wheels transformed into wheel mode and hit full reverse, but it wasn’t helping. So L1-NK stopped pulling the grappling hook.
Turk thought it would be a good idea to use the grappling hook as a zipline. He grabbed the line and jumped, and the added weight pulled Golden Wheels into the pit. Golden Wheels tried to fire his jetpack again and his back exploded, causing him to be stuck in wheel mode.
D’Wook by that point had found Hal’s lightsaber barely dangling by its belt hook, and picked it up. He climbed up Golden Wheels, up the line, over Turk, putting his foot in Turk’s face,, up the line some more and back up to where L1-NK was. L1-NK reeled in Turk and Golden Wheels.
Turk then looked around for some kind of panel or button that that he could press and found one. He put his hand onto the print reader and nothing happened.
“You idiot,” Cecil said, then put his hand on it and an escalator extended from one side of the pit to the other.
“I told you you need an Organa to make anything in here work.”
Cecil and his crew took the escalator.
Grundle shrugged and followed. Turk, Jeegn, the two droids followed, and a visibly angry D’Wook was last to use the escalator.
(Editor’s note: the module had another hologram here, with Alderaanians trying to guilt trip Leia by saying she didn’t do enough to stop her planet from being destroyed. I skipped that. Additionally there’s supposed to be a fight to the death on the stairway with Belinda and scavengers. I had other plans for Cecil so we made the stairway the focus. It actually took a very long time for them to get across, so I was glad when Turk’s player said he wanted to look for another way down and rolled a high search, so on the fly I invented the escalator and it allowed the party to see that maybe Cecil wasn’t lying about who he was. Though that did make them wonder if he might be working for the Empire, because it doesn’t seem like House Organa would have installed an extendable escalator over a chasm in a palace ruin that can only be operated by certain people. But in my head the idea was that it was designed to be operated by Leia and she probably would have had Darth Vader by her side, and he doesn’t quite do stairs very well.)
At the bottom were what appeared to be more hallways and more rooms, so they checked the first one.
There was a holo projected map of the known galaxy with an indication of the borders of the Republic at its height. Suddenly the holograms changed to show the Lars homestead, which Hal had visited before.
Two charred skeletons stood up and faced Hal, and said:
“Luke, you abandoned us! How could you? You allowed the Empire to kill us!”
Editor’s note: Since this module was once considered canon, as all WEG materials were, it all but confirms the theory that Darth Vader absolutely knows that Luke Skywalker is his son. The Graveyard of Alderaan is supposed to take place about a year after the Battle of Yavin, and in the module, imperial intelligence, at the direction of Darth Vader, is attempting to set a trap for the heroes of Yavin, namely Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca.
The fact that this hologram is this specifically directed at Luke, that incorporates the Lars homestead, makes it such that Vader has to be at least aware that Luke Skywalker was raised on the Lars homestead by his stepbrother Owen Lars, whom he met when he traveled there himself in Attack of the Clones. Granted, this module was written WAY before the prequels, but this is at least confirmation that he knows Luke Skywalker’s name before he has his chat with the emperor in The Empire Strikes Back, where he appears to be hearing that he has a son for the first time. It means he already knew he had a son well before that talk, and he was already thinking about finding him so he could train him and team up with him to overthrow the emperor, and he was trying to conceal that he knew.
Anyway, back to the story. Golden wheels figured out where the projection was coming from and hit it. It reverted to the map, which showed a ship moving toward their location. There was an indication that it would arrive over the asteroid very soon. The ship’s signature said it was called the Millennium Falcon, which some of the party remembered was the ship that played a critical role in the Battle of Yavin, and it was piloted by Han Solo... who they met briefly before about two years ago shortly after he killed Greedo.
The party discussed sending them a warning message to stay away because it was a trap, but then remembered that they wouldn’t be able to receive it until they dropped out of light speed.
“Boring,” said Cecil as he and his guys made for the exit. “If you’ll all kindly follow me we’ll get to this treasure sooner than later.”
The party left that room and headed for another, which used to be steam baths. They encountered a small space slug in there. It was in one of the baths and its mouth was about the same size as D’Wook’s whole body. Grundle recalled from his xenobiology class that these space slugs live on asteroids and they are able to survive the vacuum of space. They start out relatively small but eventually grow large enough to the point where they can swallow very large ships. (This is the hand puppet monster from the asteroids in the Empire Strikes Back.)
The slug was sleeping. Grundle relayed what he knew about it and Hal force pushed it into the wall and ran out of the room, followed by Vero.
The slug jumped up and roared. D’Wook jumped on it and sunk his vibro blade into its side, hitting nothing vital.
Turk aimed for a weak point on it and hit, but didn’t appear to weaken it. Cecil and his men all began shooting at it. The slug jumped forward and bit one of Cecil’s men in half and he bled out.
D’Wook turned his blade, causing the slug some pain. The slug reached its head around and bit D’Wook’s forearm off.
L1 punched the slug and it backed up a little bit.
Hearing the commotion, Hal and Vero ran back into the room.
Golden Wheels decided to drive his body into the slug and fire up his jetpack again. Nothing happened.
The slug started to cough up Golden Wheels when Hal jumped in and put two lightsabers into its side, hitting nothing important.
He tried cutting some more, but the slug was moving so forcefully that he severed his own left forearm off.
Vero chucked in a thermal detonator into its mouth and it exploded. Pieces of space slug filled the baths, and Golden Wheels’ protocol droid head spun around on the floor, coming to a rest face down. The yellow lightsaber was also destroyed.
Vero used a medpac on D’wook to stop the bleeding. Hal was not bleeding because that’s what happens when lightsabers take hands.
Turk picked up Golden Wheels’s head and the party went to the next room.
Turk felt that it was very suspicious that Cecil led them into that room, and told him he had his eye on him, and he better explain where the treasure is or else. Cecil explained that he wasn’t raised in the palace and he doesn’t really know his way around, but he was sure that the treasure was around somewhere.
They eventually came to a room where another hologram scene played. It was the day that Alderaan declared itself pacifist and did away with all its weaponry. Baal Organa was addressing a crowd of officials, explaining that Alderaan would never get wrapped into war ever again and would be a champion of peace, as they work peacefully to restore democracy during these dark times.
Then the projector stopped and an old man introduced himself as Orinn Tathis, who was once on the high council. He explained that all of Alderaan’s weapons and tools of war were not destroyed, because the day would come when they might be needed again.
Instead they were put aboard Another Chance, that ghost ship that the party saw when they arrived in the sector. The ship has been moving on autopilot, cycling between 32 different hyperspace jump points in the area. He said though that if they were to take Baal Organa’s ship, they would be able to stop it from jumping and dock to board Another Chance.
Cecil called it a boring story and told the man to hurry up and give them the keys.
Tathis recognized him.
Oh? It’s you. The pretender. All things considered I’m glad you survived.
“Yeah yeah, whatever old man. Let’s get moving.”
Turk noticed a piece of wallpaper that seemed off and he touched it. Nothing happened. Cecil touched it and a hidden door opened.
“Oh, so you weren’t a pretender afterall,” said Tathis. “The blood of house Organa will live on through you.”
“I told you, old man, and now you shall address me as “Your Majesty!”
“But the Princess is...”
“She’s not even a real Organa!!! Arrrgh She’s adopted! I keep telling everyone that. Why does no one listen to me?”
“Tathis began explaining Alderaanian inheritance law to Cecil as they made their way through the hidden door with the three remaining salvagers close behind.
The entire party made way for the exit, but Hal was suddenly unable to move. Once the last person besides Hal was through, the door closed shut, as if not in a natural way.
Hal turned around and saw through the other door, smoke rising.
A hooded figure stepped through the mist.
Clad in a black robe, he removed his hood and ignited a red lightsaber.
(This is a moment when the whole group of players were really drawn in. It was a moment they had long been waiting for.)
The lightsaber revealed that its wielder had two very long ears that draped down to the side of his head.
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Yes, I went there. |
“Hal Brunchkiller! Yousa gonna comin wida Meesa. Meesa complete your training.”
(The players erupted into laughter.)
Hal, attempted to be diplomatic by code switching into Gungan.
Hal: “Meesa no wanna join yousa. Meesa no wanna be Sith.”
Dark Jedi: “Meesa no Sith. Meesa Dark Jedi. And yousa join me or yousa gonna die, Haly.”
The banter went back and forth for a while, and as GM I asked Hal’s player why he was talking in a Gungan accent. I reminded him that this was kind of a big moment and he ought to play it straight.
Hal ignited his pink lightsaber.
“Who exactly are you and what is your plan?”
“Who am Meesa am not important. No no, but yousa come with me and together we kill Palpy and ruling the galaxy together. Now, be good padawan and dropp’em your weapon.”
“I will never join the dark side. NEVER!”
“Meesa hopin’ yousa be sayin’ dat.”
At that Hal lunged at the Dark Jedi and he blocked.
The dark jedi then lunged at Hal who also blocked.
Hal then spun around and hit the dark jedi’s lightsaber so hard it caused him to bend down on one knee.
“Yousa strong. But Meesa have secret.”
“Yeah? What’s That?”
“Meesa no left handed. Meesa using the right hand now.”
Meanwhile on the other side of the door, Grundle noticed that Hal wasn’t there and he could hear the lightsabers coming from the other side of the now closed hidden door. He grabbed a thermal detonator from Vero’s belt and yelled under the door that he was going to blow up the door with a thermal detonator.
The Dark Jedi then attempted to drop the ceiling in front of the door to shield the two of them from the blast. Hal directed the pieces of the ceiling to put a barrier between him and the Dark Jedi. He then dove for cover.
Boom. The door, or rather, the whole wall, was now completely open. Hal had been knocked down but he was unharmed.
He saw some of the debris shaking as if moved by the force.
Grundle: “Run! Let’s get out of here!!!”
(Editor’s note: The module had a fight to the death with Janus Bonn and the other Imperial intelligence officers here. Since the party had already dispatched of them in the previous session, I thought it might be a good opportunity to give Hal a moment to shine as a Jedi.)
The party at this point were all running aboard Baal Organa’s pleasure yacht. Turk tried to find the ignition but it wouldn’t start. He yelled at Cecil to start the yacht.
Cecil stuck his hand on a print reader and began the launching sequence.
The ship was fired up and ready to go. Cecil began raising the landing ramp.
Grundle and Hal made their way to the hangar and ran to try to jump aboard the ramp. They made it just in the nick of time.
The ship launched into the asteroid field.
Turk told L1 to calculate where and when the ghost ship would appear next, based on the information from Tathis. They determined they could get there in about five minutes, and the ship would arrive 10 seconds after that.
They went there and the ghost ship appeared.
Turk noticed on sensors that three star destroyers were on their way, including a very large one... larger than they had ever seen before.
Tathis told Turk to push a specific button that would disable the hyperdrive on the ghost ship.
Cecil told Turk to dock.
Turk bumped the ghost ship and pieces of the pleasure yacht fell off into space.
“No you idiot! The docking clips are on the other side!”
Turk repositioned the ship, again bumping the other ship.
“No, not the side of the ship. Uggh! The ventral side! Dock now!”
The ghost ship disappeared.
“What? Where’d it go?!?!?!?” asked Turk. He pushed the button again.
Tathis and Cecil both told him NO!! PUSH IT AGAIN!! That button forces the ship to always jump here! If you push it a second time it will go to its next scheduled stop.
Turk pushed it as fast as he could.
The ship reappeared. Tathis breathed a sigh of relief.
“Dock NOW!” ordered Cecil.
D’Wook got ever more angry at Cecil for ordering his... companion... around.
Turk docked and Cecil leapt from his seat to activate the airlock.
He opened the door and he and his three men ran into the ghost ship.
The rest of the party followed, only to find Cecil, and his men with their hands up. As 50 Clone Wars era battle droids had all trained their blasters at them. The rest of the party and Tathis raised their hands in the air as well.
In a cold robotic voice, one of the battle droids asked everyone to identify themselves an asked if they were agents of the Republic.
Turk: “We’re with the separatists.”
Lieutenant: “That does not compute. Private, show these intruders to the brig.”
D’Wook: Made some growls.
Grundle: “No wait! Wait! We’re uh... with the rebels.. The rebels! We’re against the Empire. And.. uh... he’s... he’s an Organa.
Cecil: “I am Cecil of House Organa, and I command you to take us to the bridge.”
Lieutenant: The Rebellion is fighting against the Empire. The Empire is the Republic. The Republic is Evil, therefore the Rebellion is an ally. Welcome aboard another chance.
A medical droid walked up to Cecil and began analyzing his blood.
Medical droid: Lord Cecil of House Organa, we are at your command.
The battle droids all knelt as if to show fealty to Cecil.
Cecil pushed the droids out of the way and found his way to the bridge and the rest of the party followed, except for D’Wook and Hal, who told the medical droid that they needed new limbs. He took them to sick bay. Golden Wheels asked the medical droid to give him a body, and an engineering droid offered to put the head on a battle droid.
At the bridge, Cecil sat in the Captain’s chair and ordered someone to take the helm. Turk took the helm while everyone else took a seat wherever available and began to discuss strategy.
The party were able to calculate with L1-NK’s help that the Star Destroyers would arrive in approximately five minutes, and the Millennium Falcon would arrive about a minute after that.
They knew that they would be able to simply fly away now if they chose to, but they also wanted to alert the Falcon that they were stepping into a trap. Cecil agreed because he would then be able to assert his claim directly to Leia.
Golden Wheels, Hal and D’Wook returned to the bridge.
Turk didn’t quite understand the plan, so D’Wook explained it to him, translated by Golden Wheels.
“No see, they aren’t here yet. Right now they’re there. When they get here we’ll drop out of hyperspace, give them the warning, and go right back into hyperspace before anyone can say or do anything to anyone, got it?”
Turk blinked.
Cecil stood up, pointed at D’Wook.
Cecil: “The dog! He’s my first mate!”
D’Wook got visibly angry, showing his teeth to Cecil.
Turk: He doesn’t like being called a dog.
Cecil: Well, then what is he?
Grundle: He’s a species of stone-age alien called an Ewok.
Cecil: My apologies. Sorry, First Officer Ewok!
The star destroyers unfortunately arrived a few minutes earlier than they expected. Cecil ordered all the droids to man their battle stations. The large star destroyer stayed behind but the two normal sized ones maneuvered toward the Another Chance and began launching tie fighters.
Cecil: Launch fighters.
The Dreadnaught launched its companion of droid starfighters and explosions began lighting up everywhere as the fighters engaged each other. The star destroyers began shooting torpedoes and turbolasers at the Dreadnaught, which was itself returning laser fire.
Golden Wheels suggested to Grundle that it might be a good idea to launch Droidekas at the star destroyer, but Grundle reminded him that compared to a capital ship, Droidekas can do almost nothing.
Just then Turk noticed some kind of signal beam was shot into the Dreadnaught. In an instant all of the battle droids fell to the ground and were motionless, the droid space fighters also stopped what they were doing mid-flight and many crashed into the dreadnought, the star destroyer, tie fighters, and each other.
“Man the Battle Stations!” ordered Cecil.
The players took turns firing turbolasers and ion cannons at the nearest star destroyer for a few rounds. They remembered from the Empire Strikes Back that ion cannons disable star destroyers temporarily, so they started with that and then used tractor beams to pull alongside it, and maneuver it between themselves and the other star destroyer to use it as a shield.
Hal fired a torpedo. (His player rolled a 1 and a 1, for a total of 0! Critical FAILURE) It unfortunately jammed and blew out all the torpedo bays on the side of the ship facing the star destroyer. They were able to maintain the tractor beam on it though.
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Nice one, Hal! |
Just then the Millennium Falcon came out of light speed.
A shot from the star destroyer farther away from them hit the Falcon at that moment and there was a small explosion.
The Falcon did its best to fly around asteroids, tie fighters and blasts from the star destroyer.
Turk signaled the ship, saying that they should get out of dodge because it was a trap.
Solo: “Of course it’s a trap! And who is this anyway?”
Turk: “This is Turk, I’m with the rebel alliance and I’m kind of a big deal, but that’s not important right now! Go to light speed and get out of here! NOW!”
Solo: “I’d love to, Turk, but that last shot took out my hyperdrive. Requesting permission to Dock!”
Turk: “Permission granted but make it quick!”
The Star Destroyer they were locked onto regained control and launched a volley of torpedoes into the dreadnought. The dreadnought sustained heavy damage but was still in tact.
At that moment five of the tie fighters got into formation and began an attack run on the bridge of the dreadnaught. Jeegn ran to a gun and took a shot and missed. Vero took a shot and destroyed one of them. Grundle destroyed another.
Sensors indicated that the tie fighters would be at the bridge in the next round and they were powering up torpedoes.
Turk, in a rare moment of clarity (his player used a force point) began to scream as he shot out shot after shot of hot laser ray taking out each of the ships in a single round with expert marksmanship. When the ties blew up he stopped screaming.
Everyone was silent and was staring at Turk in shock and awe, especially D’Wook.
L1-NK played an applause sound effect.
Just then, the other star destroyer launched a full load of torpedoes into the first star destroyer, destroying it and leaving the dreadnought exposed.
It launched another squadron of tie fighters, at the same time that the super star destroyer launched a lambda shuttle, which the group remembered was the preferred vehicle of important imperial personnel, such as the Grand Moff Tarkin on the Death Star, whose shuttle they stole.
D’wook ordered Turk to unload on that and he missed, but most of the ties flew to the shuttle to protect it.
Solo radioed the bridge
“We’re aboard! Punch it!”
Turk pulled the controls to send the dreadnought into lightspeed.
The familiar sound of engine failure meant that escape would be impossible. Turk found on sensors that the star destroyer was 97% reloaded for another volley of torpedoes that would likely be the end of them.
Vero, aided by Hal and Grundle, attempted to fix the hyperdrive. They were not able to fix it at all, but they rolled high enough to know they were not successful.
Jeegn took a stab. It didn’t help.
L1-NK plugged in, and did what he could to reroute power to the hyperdrive.
The star destroyer launched the volley of torpedoes.
The dreadnought zoomed into hyperspace as the torpedoes crashed into the asteroids.
As they had not plotted a course, it came out of lightspeed, at the nearest safe location, somewhere in the void of space.
Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia, Luke, C-3P0 and R2-D2 all arrived on the bridge. Han pointed at Cecil.
Han: “He’s sitting in your chair, your worshipfulness.”
Leia glared at Han.
Cecil stood up and his three scavengers pulled out their guns.
Cecil: I am Cecil Organa. King of Alderaan. This ship belongs to the Alderaanian royal family of which I am the sole survivor. I’m in charge here.
D’Wook grinned and pulled out one of his favorite stabby stabby tools.
Grundle told Cecil that it would probably be best if he cast his lot with the rebels.
Solo pulled out his blaster and aimed it at Cecil.
Leia stepped between them.
Cecil: Look here. I may be illegitimate, but you are less legitimate than I am! I--!
Leia: “There’s no need for violence here. Cecil, my cousin. I can say that now. The rules of Alderaanian legitimacy no longer apply. This ship is an armory and we will use all of Alderaan's old weaponry in service of the rebellion.
Cecil: “No! I will not hand over my birthright!”
Leia: “Please cousin, I don’t wish to fight you. Our people, at least what’s left of us, will need to start anew, and they will need someone to lead them as they seek to build a new home.
Lord Cecil of House Organa, I hereby charge you with stewardship of Asteroid 7785 and the Royal Palace, and I command you to restore it to its former glory, so that it can be a reminder to all of the genocide and tragedy brought forth by the Empire. It will serve as a new home for all Alderaanian survivors and it will be a reminder to the rest of the galaxy to never allow such a tragedy to happen again.
Cecil (with tears in his eyes): I accept.... Your highness.
Leia: Turk.... set course for the Hoth System.
Turk: Aye aye, Princess.
Leia: Engage!
The ship enters hyperspace and zooms off into the distance.
Roll Credits!
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