Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sessions 18 and 19

I am finding myself with less and less time to write these because a lot is going on at work. Here's a quick and dirty version. (Fortunately I did write opening crawls.)

Session XVIII

A Tale of Two Jeegns

While fighting their way out of the detention area of the Imperial Star Destroyer Subjugator with half of Delta Team, Vero Morelock and Lo’sar Tan reunited with the other half of the team, Turk, D’Wook,, L1-NK, Golden Wheels, and Jeegn Ztungles.

The rest of the team, who awaits just beyond the aft blast doors, consists of Hal Brunchkiller, Grundle Chanken, and Jeegn Ztungles... hence the problem.

What will happen when one Jeegn meets the other?

In session 18 the other Jeegn promptly ran away with all the valuable knowledge he gained. 

Then the party advanced toward the hangar bay and saw some flashlights moving around in one of the onboard retail shops. Meanwhile inside...

(What's this? a SECOND opening crawl?)

Session I (of hopefully many)

Did the Empire Strike Back?

It’s been one of those days for Soan Voan, a shopkeeper on the SUBJUGATOR, a Victory-class Imperial star destroyer, and her friendly furry friend, who she thinks is named Maki.

Sona knows a battle has been fought against the REBELLION, but in the aftermath, the Subjugator ventured off on its own instead of staying with the rest of Admiral Ozzel’s fleet in relative safety.

About an hour ago, the lights went out in every shop and workstation in her sector, and there’s been no announcement as to why...


This is the shop of a Twi'lek toiletries merchant named Soan Voan who is secretly smuggling goods off the ship for a hefty profit. Soan also has a "pet" Ewok named Maki, who was inside one of the mysterious shipments she sometimes recieves. (Editor's note: These are two new player characters, bringing our total to like.. 11) 

Soan's contact in the ship is a prison guard named Pidge. Prior to the party showing up, Pidge dragged in a crate full of stuff they just grabbed off a bunch of prisoners. (It was the rest of the party's equipment, plus a flamethrower that Maki, a stowaway Ewok princess took into her posession).

The two parties met, hyjinx ensued, and after tying up Pidge, Soan asked Delta Team what was going on, and they revealed they were with the Rebellion, which just lost a major battle on Hoth. Blissex further explained that he had leaked some sensitive information while being tortured. 

Pidge revealed that he's been secretly funneling money to the Rebellion by selling things he finds to Soan.

They all decided to leave together, knowing that the ship was set to explode soon. Pidge said he'd meet them in the hangar bay, because he had a few loose ends to take care of.  

They continued along through the ship, hitting obstacles that either required combat or problem solving skills. In combat, Soan Voan whipped out a katana and finished off some stormtroopers Mortal Kombat style, and D'Wook thinks she is the bee's knees. 

Some runaway droids who were trying to escape punishment from their imperial masters also encountered the party, but they didn't pay them much attention. One of these, T-3P0, continually turned her nose, or what her nose would be, up at the sight of the heroes, but offered to help them if they were on their way to the hangar bay. The players refused. 

Session XIX

Near, Far, Wherever you are

The Imperial Star Destroyer Subjugator is falling apart, and Delta Team, Dr. Blissex, and their new friends, Soan Voan and Maki, need a way off this ship fast.

To that end they continue to make their way through the dark, smoking innards of the heavily damaged battleship to try to get to the hangar bay.

But along the way, they’ve learned they need to warn the rebel fleet not to attack again because IT’S A TRAP! Subjugator is rigged to self-destruct and will take out any and all ships in its proximity.

The group were pursued by about 60+ stormtroopers into the hangar bay, but not the one they were trying to get to. 

It was at this point that Lira revealed herself looking down on the room from a catwalk above the hangar bay, conveniently shielded from blaster attacks. Captain Kolaff was standing beside her. 

 She cackled as she unleashed two genetically modified rancors on the party and the stormtroopers. The troopers immediately began firing on the rancors, seemingly to no effect. 

 L1 picked up two thermal detonators and asked Losar Tan to cover him in this expensive meat he found in the captain's personal chef's kitchen. One of the rancors ate L1 and boom. he collapsed. 

 Vero and two stormtroopers boarded a nearby AT-ST and shot the other rancor several times. The rancor punched the AT-ST, denting it, but then lost his head as the stormtroopers fired directly into the rancor's mouth. 

 The AT-ST's blasts ricocheted upward and broke the glass shielding around the catwalk and Lira produced a thermal detonator that she was prepared to throw at the party to make her escape. However, the runaway droids streamed onto the catwalk. Kolaff stepped off and disappeared into the next room.
The catwalk buckled under the droids' weight and collapsed. As Lira was falling she let go of the detonator and Blissex begged Hal to save her. 

 Hal obliged and Blissex jumped on the detonator and screamed at everyone to take cover. He was trying to save his daughter. 

The detonator was a dud, which Lira meant to cause the party to jump for cover to so she could make her escape. It didn't quite work out that way. 

 Lira begged for her life, appealing to Vero that she could help her get back at Andi... who is Vero's ex-boyfriend and Lira's husband. An announcement said there were 59 seconds remaining...

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