Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sessions 18 and 19

I am finding myself with less and less time to write these because a lot is going on at work. Here's a quick and dirty version. (Fortunately I did write opening crawls.)

Session XVIII

A Tale of Two Jeegns

While fighting their way out of the detention area of the Imperial Star Destroyer Subjugator with half of Delta Team, Vero Morelock and Lo’sar Tan reunited with the other half of the team, Turk, D’Wook,, L1-NK, Golden Wheels, and Jeegn Ztungles.

The rest of the team, who awaits just beyond the aft blast doors, consists of Hal Brunchkiller, Grundle Chanken, and Jeegn Ztungles... hence the problem.

What will happen when one Jeegn meets the other?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Session XVII: The Empire Struck Back

Opening crawl: 

In the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth, the group of rebel soldiers code-named "Delta Team" were taken prisoner, transported to an orbiting Imperial Star Destroyer, and held in the detention area...


Though they are thankful to be alive, unlike so many of their comrades, they are uncertain what fate awaits them, as the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, has taken a keen interest in aspiring Jedi* Hal Brunchkiller.

Half of Delta Team sits within one of the more “luxurious” holding cells, complete with sleeping shelves, a relatively clean floor, and a window that looks out over the frozen globe below... 

A view from behind the Subjugator... or maybe one of the other ships involved in the Battle of Hoth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Session XVI: The Empire Strikes Back

This session opened with a prologue before the roll of the opening credits.

The Silverlight and the 20 Alderaanian cruise ships arrived in space near Asteroid 7785

Radd: (On comms) This is Colonel Norrin Radd requesting landing permission for 20 Alderaanian cruise ships and the 200 soldiers of the newly established New Alderaan security force. And also my new friends in the Silverlight.

Comms: Permission granted.


The hangar bays opened up and the ships flew in one by one.

The Silverlight landed and the soldiers of the security force marched out of their ships in formation. Cecil, CT-12, CT-16, Hal, Grundle and D’Wook were all talking to Colonel Radd, and they all turned to receive the Silverlight’s crew.

D’Wook caught a glimpse of Lo’Sar in his new spiffy armor and leapt into action, pouncing on his chest and wailing on him with all his might.

Turk attempted to talk some sense into him but the bloodlust had already kicked in.

LoSar struggled a bit but eventually removed the helmet. When D’Wook saw who was inside, he came to his senses and backed off. 

The party questioned D’Wook and through the interpretation efforts of Golden Wheels, the group was treated to a tale of the man who mysteriously appeared in the forests surrounding D’Wook’s village, often stealing food and killing any Ewoks who would try to prevent him. One Day, whe D’Wook laid pursuit he saw the armored man enter what he called a giant metal bird, and ascend to the heavens.

From that day onward, D’Wook vowed to seek revenge for his fallen comrades, and that’s why he became so eager to board Turk’s vessel.

Relieved that he was no longer being pummeled, LoSar stood up and joined the others.

Vero suggested they try to contact the Rebellion to try to get their next orders. Grundle called his contact, who said they had once again been assumed dead, and that he wasn’t going to tell them any more details.

Grundle  transmitted a message for General Rieekan about ET’s species (the Asogians) and Waldorf salads.

(Editor’s note: They think it’s hilarious that they’ve figured out that the actor who plays Carlist Rieekan was on this British comedy show skit about Waldorf Salads. Bringing up the Asogians (E.T.’s species) came from a discussion I had with Grundle’s player, suggesting that the only way they could possibly get the necessary ingredients would be to go to Earth, and given that it is in another galaxy, the only way to do that would be to find the species that did go. And that’s the E.T.s.. So I guess he did that between sessions? 🤷)

He also explained that Blissex designed some kind of cloaking device that they should figure out how to use immediately.

The contact suggested to Grundle that they show up in person at the rebel base.

The group decided that’s where they would be headed next.

Everyone rested.

D’Wook spent some time with his Flutterplume

They took off the next day...

Session XVI: The Empire Strikes Back

The Empire Strikes Back

It is a bright time for the Rebellion. The Empire searches in vain and is nowhere near discovering the new secret Rebel base on the remote ice world of Hoth.

The crew of the Silverlight, fresh off their successes establishing their home away from home at the New Alderaan Casino and Resort, are excited to join their comerades there for the first time in about six months.

They expect a heroes' welcome, as their ship is equipped with impressive kyber crystal-based technology that could turn the tide of the galactic civil war, leading to the end to the Empire's tyranny once and for all!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Session XV: We don’t give a ship!

Opening crawl

Thanks to the expert fighting skills of the frankendroid Golden Wheels, Cecil Organa won enough money to stave off foreclosure of Asteroid 7785  by his business partner Jabba the Hutt, and pay off the remainder of his debt. 

But with his fleet of luxury cruise ships stolen by Trandoshan bandits, he has no means to return his guests to the nearest starbase, and new guests have no means of traveling to the resort asteroid.

Jabba’s majordomo Bib Fortuna has the only ship in the hangar capable of transporting large numbers of people to and from the asteroid, and he and Cecil are locked in negotiations…

Most of this session takes place aboard "the nearest starbase." Since that location is generic, here's a generic photo of a starbase. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Opening Crawl: 

As the Silverlight is being repaired, its crew has been spending the last week on asteroid 7785 in the Graveyard of Alderaan, as guests of “King” Cecil Organa, the last member of Alderaan’s royal bloodline*. 

What was once the ruins of the royal palace has been masterfully restored and now shimmers brightly as the “New Alderaan Casino and Resort.”

Cecil, as braggadocious as he is, has been a generous host, providing the crew with the resort’s best accommodations, and wining and dining them on a nightly basis, to the point that maybe he is being not just nice... but too nice. 

This is apparently what Alderaan Palace looks like. So imagine it with a casino in there somewhere.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Session XIII: The Orders that Bring Order

Opening crawl

Hal Brunchkiller has sacrificed his life, getting sucked into the void while defeating the wicked king of Nockmaar Castle.

With his legendary sword in tow, held by Cherlindria’s padawan Fin Rasiel, the battered party, minus Hal, makes their way back to the island to return the wand to the noble sorceress.

 The eclipse is due in six months time, and much preparation is necessary for the planned assault on Sifo-Dyas’ stronghold of Tir Asleen.

Two Fett clone knights on horseback guarding Tir Asleen Castle

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Session XII: So you want to be a hero...

 Opening Crawl

Session XII -  So you want to be a hero....

While bombing in his standup comedy act during the harvest festival in the town of Fishlick, Hal Brunchkiller extracted a legendary sword from a stone, shocking and aweing the citizens.

Believing that Hal and his friends are heroes of legend come to fulfill a prophecy, the people will not hesitate to help them in any way that they can.

But who is the wicked king that Hal is seemingly destined to destroy? Some believe it is Sifo-Dyas, while others believe it could be someone else ...

Remove the muscles and add some Jedi robes and that's kinda what it looked like.