Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Session V: The Graverobbers' Gambit

Yes, every small ship in the galaxy looks like that.

Opening crawl

The rebel agent Zaz Kamiroz is dead, but with his last breaths he revealed to Vero Morelock, whom he mistook for an undercover Princess Leia Organa, that the ROYAL PALACE of ALDERAAN has been found by the miners of OUTPOST 11  in the Graveyard of Alderaan, a newly formed cluster of asteroids that once made up the doomed planet.

It is very likely that the Empire has also learned of the discovery and the rumor that Bail Organa, one of the architects of the Rebellion, may have survived the planet’s destruction.

The race is on to find the palace before the Empire can, but Vero and her friends can do nothing other than return to the safe confines of Poliss’ droid shop to discuss their next move.

The Graveyard of Alderaan module was written with several cutscenes which serve to inform the players (but not the party) of the story. This time we opened with Leia standing over a dead miner and telling Luke that they found her father and they have to go to Alderaan. Han then suggests taking the Falcon.

I have to say I kind of don’t like this, because it forces the players to act on information that their characters don’t have. They now know that the feature characters are on their way to the same place they are going, and their goal is to preserve continuity or else the Empire Strikes Back isn’t going to happen. I tried to alter the story a bit to inform them in game that this is what is going to happen, but then it was all the less climactic when they uncovered that information.